Cards are used within this design system to link to examples of work. Cards include an image, project title, and a brief summary describing the content, as well as a button to linked item whevever neccessary
Card Preview
Project title
A short project description/overview
Project title
A short project description/overview
Accessibility Considerations
To ensure accessibility, always include descriptive and meaningful alt text for card images and always style links as described in the typography section.
- Use cards to display a preview of content presented on other pages.
- Cards may be used to link to external sites and content.
- Cards must include a link, image, descriptive category, project title, and brief summary of the linked content.
Code Examples
<div class="row mb-5 card-example">
<div class="p-2 col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4">
<div class="card" >
<img src="../img/Image placeholder.svg"
alt="placeholder image of light grey rectangle with white x on top">
<div class="card-body1" >
<div class="pt-4 project-title1" >
Project title </div>
<div class="body-text1" >
A short project description/overview </div>